Energy & Transport
We provide detailed modelling of the entire energy system in a time of structural changes towards a low-carbon future, using the PRIMES modelling suite and the PROMETHEUS world energy system model.

We build advanced macroeconomic models that capture the inter-dependencies of all economic agents at a global scale.

Environment & Climate
Economic development has significant effects on the environment, at E3-Modelling we estimate the impacts on emissions, pollutants and resources and compute the impacts of shifting towards a more sustainable development.
About E3-Modelling
E3-Modelling is a société anonyme (S.A.) company, established in Greece, as a knowledge-intensive consulting company. We deliver consulting services based on the large-scale empirical modelling of the economy-energy-environment nexus: PRIMES, GEM-E3 and Prometheus. We focus on the design of transition in the energy market and systems, both demand and supply of energy, towards green and climate-friendly structures and technologies. With the modelling, we help to assess the transitions from economic, policy and implementation perspectives putting emphasis on the functioning of the system and the markets as a whole when policy instruments influence behaviours and market outcomes

We work for national and regional public authorities, industrial associations, and energy and climate associations. We have years of experience working with:
The European Commission
The European Commission has been consulting us for all its major energy and climate initiatives since 1990.
We consult governments of EU and non-EU states in the design of their energy sector strategies, roadmaps and economic planning.
Private companies
Companies of the private sector trust us with assessments of potential energy investment decisions.
The World Bank
Through World Bank financed projects, we have improved modelling capacity of public agencies for various countries.