How to achieve a rapid, fair and efficient transformation to net zero emissions | Policy findings from the NAVIGATE project

Report - December 21, 2023

NAVIGATE project comes to an end after 4 years of hard work to improve Integrated Assessment Models and contribute to a fast, fair and just transition to a system of net zero emissions.
The final report of the project provides key insights on:

  • Exploiting synergies between energy security and cliamte mitigation; climate, land, energy and water and their links to SDGs; along with wellfare gains through climate policy.
  • Advancing demand side mitigation such as lifestyle change for climate change mitigation and low carbon transport including aviation and shipping
  • Linking structural change, technology innovation, industry transformation (integrating several novel mitigation technologies and processes), land-based mitigation and socioeconomic developments
  • Understanding the distributional impacts of climate change mitigation e.g., how carbon revenues affect equity and efficiency or key employment trends resulting from the energy transition
  • Improving transparenvy of IAMs by using large ensembles of climate change mitigation scenarios for robust insights and upgrading IAM documentation

    Read the full report here