The findings of the study were presented on 20 November during an online workshop hosted by GIZ.
The event was attended by key stakeholders, including representatives of the Ministry of Energy, the Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE), the Gas TSO (DESFA) and Gas DSOs for Greece (DEDA), Attica region (EDA) and Thessaloniki (EDA THESS), as well as the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Savings (CRES).
At the heart of the study lie the development prospects of renewable gases, i.e. bio-methane, green hydrogen and synthetic methane, and their role in supporting Greece achieve climate neutrality in 2050. According to the Greek NECP, the share of bio-methane in the energy mix is expected to reach 14 ktoe (2% of final gas consumption) and that of hydrogen 0.17 ktoe by 2030. In a climate-neutral context however, renewable gases and not fossil natural gas are the components of the distribution system and fuel gas market.
That said, supply to consumers will change. The few entry points currently in place will be substituted by a decentralised system of producing, storing and injecting gas in different parts of the distribution network. Subsequently, the role of Gas DSOs will be upgraded.
The study suggests that immediate action must be taken to address current regulatory weaknesses and gaps concerning the certification of renewable gases, technical standards for their injection into the transmission and distribution networks, the design and operation of the market and incentives for the private sector to invest in much-needed infrastructure.
More info can be found here (in Greek)