E3-Modelling helps craft new EU Sustainable & Smart Mobility Strategy

E3-Modelling helps craft new EU Sustainable & Smart Mobility Strategy

The EC unveiled yesterday its Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy and we are proud that our modelling tools PRIMES and PRIMES-TREMOVE were used in support of this landmark policy proposal.

The Strategy replaces the 2011 White Paper Strategy and lays the foundations of a new era in transport policy, guided by a 90% cut in transport-related GHG emissions to ensure the EU becomes climate-neutral by 2050. To deliver on this ambitious goal, the EU transport system will have to undergo a ground-breaking transformation in the coming years. The Strategy sets out an action plan for getting there, with concrete policy measures and milestones for 2030 and 2050.

The analysis underpinning the Strategy rests on the scenarios that were quantified for the 2030 Climate Target Plan Impact Assessment, but delves deeper into how the transport sector can help reach the 55% GHG emissions reduction in 2030. A range of policies, including regulatory measures and carbon pricing, are combined to bring about tangible results, such as zero-emission vehicles and vessels, sustainable fuels and related infrastructure being developed and widely used in Europe by 2030.

For more information on the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, see here.