Professor Pantelis Capros participated as a speaker at the EIB Annual Economic Conference, jointly organised with OECD, Columbia University and SUERF (the European Monetary and Finance Forum) on 26 and 27 November 2019 at the headquarters of the EIB in Luxembourg.
His presentation focused on the transition to a zero-carbon economy and the consequently far-reaching implications for Europe’s competitiveness, both related to energy and resource dependence and technological leadership.
The 2019 Annual Economics Conference of the European Investment Bank was held under the overarching theme of “Striving for competitiveness and inclusion: what policies for Europe?” the EIB’s flagship Annual Economics Conference in featured an engaging program of panel discussions and investment outlook sessions covering topics of competitiveness, sustainability and inclusion in an ever-evolving global economy. Individual sessions covered topics including digitalisation, innovation and technological transformation, as well as the latest trends that shape future investment opportunities in and outside of Europe.