E3M attends MAESHA kick-off meeting

MAESHA, a 48 month-long H2020 project, counting 21 partners from 9 countries and a budget of 11.8 million EUR held its kick-off meeting on 20 November 2020.

The project will demonstrate smart and flexible solutions for the decarbonisation of the energy system of the French island of Mayotte and seek to replicate these solutions in five (5) other European islands: Wallis and Futuna Islands, St Barthélémy, Canary Islands, Favignana and Gozo.

To this end, MAESHA will develop an innovative smart platform that aggregates multiple flexibility services to the grid, so that RES penetration to the energy grid may range from 70% up to 100%. Flexibility, storage, and energy management solutions will be tested in order to enable large-scale integration of RES in island energy systems.
Beyond electricity, the project will seek to create synergies with other networks (heating and cooling, transport) and work with island local communities to ensure actual needs are reflected and met by project activities.

E3M participates in the consortium along with 9 other SMEs, and 2 universities, 3 industrial partners and 6 public institutions.