On September 10, WHY held its kick-off meeting at the headquarters of the University of Deusto in Bilbao, Spain. The event gathered members of other H2020 consortia (ENERFIRST, sEENergies, EERAdata, NEWTRENDS, MICAT, REFEREE), relevant stakeholders, e.g. utilities, ESCOs, technology providers, research centres, public authorities, as well as representatives from the European Commission.
The meeting offered the opportunity to discuss thoroughly the main goal of the project, which is to provide a better understanding of electricity demand in the residential buildings sector, in order to improve the design of relevant policy and modelling tools.
To this end, a highly multi-disciplinary team will work towards improving the quality of well-established and extensively used EU-level energy system models like PRIMES and PROMETHEUS by further developing and adding features that focus on coupling the energy demand and supply sectors (i.e. through distributed generation, storage, demand response, electrification of services, etc.) as well as behavioural patterns in decision-making by final consumers.
We are honoured to participate in a consortium of distinguished partners, led by the University of Deusto and including 4WARD Energy Research GmbH, the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, GoiEner S.Coop, Renewables Grid Initiative e.V. and Climate Alliance.
To watch the full event, please follow the link: