The National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP – ΕΣΕΚ) is a strategic plan for the Greek Government on Climate and Energy issues. It presents a detailed roadmap for achieving comparable Energy and Climate Goals by 2030. The Greek NECP presents and analyzes policy priorities and measures in a wide range of development and economic activities for the benefit of Greek society, making it the reference text for the next decade.
The Government’s strategic objective is that the energy and climate goals set by the NECP in the horizon up to 2030 should make a decisive contribution to the necessary energy transition in the most economically competitive way for the national economy. Furthermore, the plan aims at achieving a drastic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and making our country one of the Member States that has adopted ambitious climate and energy goals through a comprehensive and coherent program of measures and policies.
The development of the energy system by 2030 is presented in detail in the relevant NECP chapters. One of the key models used to quantify the projections presented in the plan is the internationally recognized PRIMES energy system model developed by E3Modelling. Its use in the development of the NECP further enhanced the technical credibility and completeness of the project.