EIB releases the Investment Report 2019-2020 – significant input from E3M experts

The EIB annual report on Investment and Investment Finance has been released, providing a comprehensive overview of the developments and drivers of investment and its finance in the European Union. It combines an analysis and understanding of key market trends and developments with a more in-depth thematic focus, which this year is devoted to innovation, climate change mitigation, equity markets, skills and corporate digitalisation activities. The report draws extensively on the results of the annual EIB Investment Survey (EIBIS).

A team of 40 economists contributed to this year’s report. Prof Pantelis Capros was invited to provide an analysis on the major challenges in the energy transition to a zero-carbon economy and the consequently far-reaching implications for Europe’s competitiveness, both related to energy and resource dependence and technological leadership.

Τhe quantitative assessment of the Εuropean Commission’s decarbonisation strategy, performed using -among others- the PRIMES energy system model of E3-Modelling.