The “Fit for 55 package” is out

We are more than proud to have contributed with our modelling and policy analysis work to the preparation of the FitFor55 package. The package is meant to put the EU on track to meet its goal of cutting emissions by 55% by 2030 and turning climate neutral by 2050.

With our advanced modelling systems, PRIMES and GEM-E3, we helped prepare the impact assessments of 10 out of the 13 legislative proposals tabled today by the EC, by quantifying alternative scenarios and projections for all EU countries and for various assumptions.

E3M’s involvement covered the revision of the EU emission trading scheme (EU ETS) and Effort-Sharing Regulation (ESR), of the Renewable Energy (RED) and Energy Efficiency Directives (EED), of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID) as well as the amendment of the regulation setting CO2 emission standards for cars and vans. We also supported partially the revision of the Energy Taxation Directive.

On the new proposals, we helped craft the CBAM and the two legislative initiatives on ReFuelEU Aviation and FuelEU Maritime on greening Europe’s aviation and maritime space.

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