Topics span across AI for enhanced climate services and the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus to sectoral transition pathways and the active engagement of citizens in the energy transition!
In short:
CLINT – CLImate INTelligence: Extreme events detection, attribution and adaptation design using machine learning will develop an AI framework that will process big climate datasets in order to improve how extreme events are detected and attributed. The framework will also quantify the impacts of extreme events on a variety of socio-economic sectors under historical, forecasted and projected climate conditions. Ultimately, the project results will become available to public and private entities, working to advance research in climate services development.
GoNEXUS – Innovative tools and solutions for governing the water-energy-food-ecosystems NEXUS under global change will develop a framework for designing and assessing innovative solutions to improve the governance of the water-energy-food-ecosystems (WEFE) nexus. The project will bring together cutting-edge global, continental and river-basin modelling tools, including E3M’s PRIMES, PROMETHEUS and GEM-E3, with the aim to share knowledge and co-create solutions for an enhanced governance of the WEFE nexus.
NDC ASPECTS – Assessing Sectoral Perspectives on Climate Transitions to support the Global Stocktake and subsequent NDCs will provide inputs to the Global Stocktake process under the Paris Agreement and support the potential revision of existing and development of new (for post-2030) Nationally Determined Contributions of major emitters. The project will particularly focus on four sectoral systems with significant, yet largely untapped, potential to reduce GHG emissions, i.e. transport & mobility, emission intensive industries, buildings, and agriculture, forestry & land-use. For each sector, the project will create evidence-based narratives that shed light on the challenges and opportunities of the transition and inform the Global Stocktake and national pathways in strategically selected countries, extensively using E3M’s modelling tools including PROMETHEUS, PRIMES-Aviation and MENA-EDS models.
CAMPAIGNers – Citizens Acting on Mitigation Pathways through Active Implementation of a Goal-setting Network aims to revolutionise the way lifestyle transformation research is conducted and informs the design of policies for climate change mitigation. This means moving from narrow samples, specific contexts or hypothetical citizen behaviour to the implementation of a ‘goal-setting’ network, where citizens across 5 continents and 16 major cities with over 20 million residents, receive and create challenges to make specific changes to their lifestyles via an app platform. With the empirically-validated lifestyle change evidence, the project will craft feasible GHG mitigation pathways for EU and global economies, which will be reflected in integrated modelling tools, including E3M’s modelling tools PRIMES, GEM-E3 and PROMETHEUS, used in EU policy-making.
Stay tuned for more news as projects start rolling!