Maximising the Impact of the Global Stocktake: Options for Design and Implementation

NDC Aspects prepared a policy brief with key recommendations on how to maximize the effectiveness of the first Global Stocktake (GST) of the Paris Agreement due to start at COP26.

  1. Focus on sectors. Since the collective nature of the GST does not allow for a Party-by-Party discussion, a sectoral approach will reveal collective sectoral ambition gaps, highlight additional mitigation potential and promote knowledge on how to tap this potential.
  2. Use guiding questions. These are meant to form the basis of the GST for implementing the sectoral approach.
  3. Guarantee equitable access. Make sure government delegations from developing countries have equitable access to the procedings and include non-Party stakeholders’ inputs and perspectives as a means to ensuring procedural fairness, transparency and accountability.
  4. Issue a COP decision/declaration. GST cycles should culminate in a high-level event and an associated COP decision / declaration with avaialble options, best proctices and recommendations for sectoral decarbonisation targets and roadmaps.

To access the policy brief, please click here.