Net Zero 2053: A Roadmap for the Turkish Electricity Sector

We proudly present a very timely and insightful report on the decarbonisation of Turkiye’s powersector that came out a few days ago – for the moment the full report is available in Turkish while the main findings are summarised in English 👉

For this study, commissioned by SHURA Energy Transition Center we used the CompactPRIMES model to analyse different pathways to reach a netzero carbon economy and a decarbonized Turkish electricity sector by 2053. Our focus has been on the power sector, however we also explored the evolution of energy demand in the entire energy system, including demand-side electrification, energy efficiency and e-fuel consumption.

CompactPRIMES is a more simple, single-country version of the renowned PRIMES model that was recently enhanced so as to feature 4 typical weeks (672hrs) in the unit commitment module and improve the simulation of the power system operation in a context of high share of variable RES was used.