Energy taxation for the clean energy transition in the context of sector integration and carbon border mechanisms

The main objective of this study is to provide quantitative and qualitative assessment of the effects of fiscal, non-fiscal charges and levies, as well as their interaction with possible carbon border adjustment mechanisms in order to assess the best portfolio of actions necessary to achieve long-term energy and climate objectives. This will allow to better grasp the impacts of final price signals on energy consumption and energy-related investments, including the possibility of some options leading to “path dependency” or technology/fuel lock-ins. The types of policy targets examined are based on the EU’s 2030 climate and energy targets, National Energy and Climate Plans at country level and the Commission’s long-term strategy for climate neutrality by 2050. The scope of the analysis includes all energy-related sectors that will be covered both in data assessment and in model-based analysis. The sectors covered include notably buildings, transport, industry and agriculture, power generation, energy supply and sectoral integration aspects.


Client :  DG ENER, European Commission
Date :  2020-2020
Services :  Model development, impact assessment