ENGAGE – Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions

ENGAGE will improve Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) to be in a position to produce a new generation of global and national decarbonisation pathways that can deliver the on the objectives of the Paris Agreement (PA). These new pathways will complement natural science, engineering and economics, traditionally represented in IAMs, with cutting-edge insights from social sciences in order to reflect multidimensional feasibility of decarbonisation and identify opportunities to strengthen climate policies. The pathways will (a) be designed to minimise overshoot of the temperature target (b) reduce the reliance on controversial negative emissions technologies (c) link national mitigation of major emitters with the PA’s objectives, integrate potential game-changing innovations, and advance novel approaches to architectures of international climate agreements (d) quantify avoided impacts of climate change, co-benefits and trade-offs of climate policy, and identify the biggest sectoral opportunities for climate change mitigation.

E3M is tasked with assessing the economic, employment and social implications of energy system decarbonisation, including distributional impacts across income classes and EU Member States. To this end, E3M expers will develop the online “Decarbonisation Simulator”, meant to help policy makers bridge the gap between model-based pathways and “real-world” energy challenges and policies. Moreover, the representaiton of energy efficiency investment by type of households, decentralized energy prosumers and transport electrification will be further improved in PRIMES.

Website: www.engage-climate.org

Client :  Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)
Date :  2019-2023
Services :  Global emission pathways