MAESHA – deMonstration of smArt and flExible solutions for a decarboniSed energy future in Mayotte and other European islAnds

Aiming at decarbonising the energy systems of geographical islands, MAESHA will deploy the necessary flexibility, storage and energy management solutions for a large penetration of Renewable Energies. Cutting-edge technical systems will be developed and installed, supported by efficient modelling tools and adapted local markets and business frameworks. A community-based approach will be adopted to ensure the constant consideration of local populations’ best interests throughout the project. Putting together 10 SMEs, 3 industrial partners, 2 universities and 6 public organisations from 9 countries, MAESHA gathers strong partners with the needed expertise to develop and disseminate relevant solutions for a universally beneficial energy transition on islands.

E3M’s role is to develop sophisticated energy-economy system modelling tools that will contribute to the design of pathways for the decarbonisation of Mayotte island. These tools will be then adapted accordingly, in order to craft transition pathways for the follower islands.


Client :  Innovation and Networks Executive Agency
Date :  2020-2024
Services :  Decarbonisation of island systems