NDC Aspects will provide inputs to the Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement (PA) and support the potential revision of existing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of the PA’s parties, as well as the development of new NDCs for the post 2030 period. The project will focus on four sectoral systems that are highly relevant in terms of the GHG emissions they produce yet are difficult to decaerbonise. These are transport & mobility (land-based transport and international aviation & shipping), emission-intensive industries, buildings, agriculture and forestry & land-use, including their supply by and interaction with the energy conversion sector. For each partners will engage in „Sectoral Conversations“ to co-create evidence-based narratives with sectoral experts and stakeholders. These narratives will be then translated into global pathways informing the Global Stocktake as well as national pathways for strategically selected countries for each of the four sectors. As an input to the Sectoral Conversations transformation challenges and opportunities (economic, technological, political/institutional, capacity and awareness), experiences with the implementation of the first round of NDCs as well as model-based quantitative analyses will be duly assessed.
E3M shall be involved in the assessment of global climate change mitigation pathways and their emission, energy-system and socio-economic implications, while providing global benchmarks and indicators as a point of reference for more detailed sectoral and national-level analysis. Our research will focus on buildings, international bunkers (both aviation and maritime) and the development of national climate policy pathways for Tier-2 countries (Morocco, S. Arabia, Japan, Iran, Nigeria, Turkey).
Website: www.ndc-aspects.eu