NDC Aspects – Assessing Sectoral Perspectives on Climate Transitions to support the Global Stocktake and subsequent NDCs
- Client: CINEA
- Period: 2021-2024
- Theme: Climate change; Energy
- Topic: Buildings; Transport
- Client: CINEA
- Period: 2021-2024
- Theme: Climate change; Energy
- Topic: Buildings; Transport

CAMPAIGNers – Citizens Acting on Mitigation Pathways through Active Implementation of a Goal-setting Network
- Client: EISMEA
- Period: 2021-2024
- Theme: Climate change
- Topic: Modelling lifestyle changes
- Client: EISMEA
- Period: 2021-2024
- Theme: Climate change
- Topic: Modelling lifestyle changes

CLINT – CLImate INTelligence: Extreme events detection, attribution and adaptation design using machine learning
- Client: RIA
- Period: 2021-2025
- Theme: Climate change; Extreme events
- Topic: Artificial Intelligence
- Client: RIA
- Period: 2021-2025
- Theme: Climate change; Extreme events
- Topic: Artificial Intelligence

GoNEXUS – Innovative tools and solutions for governing the water-energy-food-ecosystems NEXUS under global change
- Client: RIA
- Period: 2021-2025
- Theme: Climate change; Resilience
- Topic: Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus
- Client: RIA
- Period: 2021-2025
- Theme: Climate change; Resilience
- Topic: Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus

TransformAr – Accelerating and upscaling transformational adaptation in Europe
- Client: CINEA
- Period: 2021-2025
- Theme: Climate change adaptation
- Topic: Socio-economic impact assessment
- Client: CINEA
- Period: 2021-2025
- Theme: Climate change adaptation
- Topic: Socio-economic impact assessment

WHY – Climbing the causality ladder to understand and project the energy demand of the residential sector
- Client: EASME
- Period: 2020-2023
- Theme: Energy efficiency; Economy
- Topic: Buildings; Behavioural changes
- Client: EASME
- Period: 2020-2023
- Theme: Energy efficiency; Economy
- Topic: Buildings; Behavioural changes

NEWTRENDS in Energy Modelling
- Client: EASME
- Period: 2020-2023
- Theme: Energy; Economy
- Topic: Energy demand; Sociental transformation
- Client: EASME
- Period: 2020-2023
- Theme: Energy; Economy
- Topic: Energy demand; Sociental transformation

MICAT – Multiple Impacts Calculation Tool
- Client: EASME
- Period: 2020-2023
- Theme: Energy efficiency; Economy
- Topic: Buildings
- Client: EASME
- Period: 2020-2023
- Theme: Energy efficiency; Economy
- Topic: Buildings

NAVIGATE – Next generation of AdVanced InteGrated Assessment modelling to support climaTE policy making
- Client: EASME
- Period: 2019-2023
- Theme: Economy; Climate Change
- Topic: Buildings; Transport
- Client: EASME
- Period: 2019-2023
- Theme: Economy; Climate Change
- Topic: Buildings; Transport

CINTRAN – Carbon Intensive Regions in Transition
- Client: INEA
- Period: 2020-2024
- Theme: Energy; Economy; Environment
- Topic: Coal Transition
- Client: INEA
- Period: 2020-2024
- Theme: Energy; Economy; Environment
- Topic: Coal Transition

European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum
- Client: INEA
- Period: 2021-2025
- Theme: Climate change; Energy
- Topic: Energy and climate modelling enhancements
- Client: INEA
- Period: 2021-2025
- Theme: Climate change; Energy
- Topic: Energy and climate modelling enhancements

MAESHA – deMonstration of smArt and flExible solutions for a decarboniSed energy future in Mayotte and other European islAnds
- Client: INEA
- Period: 2020-2024
- Theme: Energy transition
- Topic: Decarbonisation of island systems
- Client: INEA
- Period: 2020-2024
- Theme: Energy transition
- Topic: Decarbonisation of island systems